What If I Ask a Question and Nobody Answers? | BE BOLD Teacher Tip
For a teacher, that long, dead silence after asking a question can seem awkward at best, and feel disastrous at worst (cue cartoon “bombs away” whistle). Thankfully, there’s one thing you can do that works nearly 100 percent…
00Putting the “fun” in fundraising for VBS!
By Meghan Brown in VBS onTips & tricks on ways to fund raise for VBS!
Why Not Write Your Own Sunday School Curriculum?
It’s tempting to write your own Sunday school curriculum. Your approach to children’s ministry is one-of-a-kind, budgets are tight, and there is pressure to teach according to your church’s theology or philosophy. You might even feel obligated to write your own Sunday school curriculum.
Checklist for VBS Safety
Make this summer’s VBS the best ever by reviewing and implementing this safety checklist!
3 Leadership Hats You’ll Need to Wear to Recruit Todays Volunteer
Does your church website have an online volunteer sign up process? Do you text your volunteers to stay in touch? Have you led a volunteer training on Zoom or Skype? These simple questions illustrate how the volunteer landscape is changing…