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Children's Ministry Blog

  • Do’s and Don’ts for Safety Awareness

    By in Sunday School on

    “I’m going to tell my daughter! She thinks I’m too overprotective!” This was my friend’s response when I told her about an email I received of an attempted kidnapping just a few miles from where we live.  A 14-year-old girl…

  • Church Background Checks: The foundation for safety in your church

    By in Sunday School on

    April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The most recent figures from the 2014 Children’s Defense Fund’s Annual State of America’s Children report that 1,825 children are abused or neglected each day in the U.S. And considering it’s believed that less than…

  • What You Need To Hear This Easter

    By in Lead on

    The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!    -John 1:29 Ready for Easter? For ministry leaders, Easter is a big celebration. Your worship…

  • 10 Signs You’re Technologically Challenged

    By in Lead on

    Calling all ministry ‘veterans’!  Do you remember doing ministry before email arrived on the scene? Was there a time when you connected with people face-to-face instead of “ing” them? Life has changed greatly in the last 10 years—and so has…

  • 12 Ideas for National Volunteer Week

    By in Retain, Volunteers on

    National Volunteer Week, April 12-18, 2015, is about inspiring, recognizing and encouraging people to seek out imaginative ways to engage in their communities. National Volunteer Week, a program of Points of Light, was established in 1974 and has grown exponentially each…