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Children's Ministry Blog

  • Are You A Volunteer Magnet?

    By in Lead on

    Alice couldn’t understand why she was having so much difficulty getting volunteers to serve as Greeters.  She had managed the front office at First Church for 15 years and knew everyone in the congregation.  What Alice didn’t know was that…

  • how to attract volunteers for vbs

    How to Easily Attract Volunteers for an Amazing VBS

    By in VBS on

    If you’ve been in children’s ministry even for a little while, you know that finding the right VBS program is a decision that requires lots of prayer and maybe more than one cup of coffee! You know that what kids…

  • 5 Reasons People Volunteer

    By in Retain, Volunteers on

    Need more volunteers at your church? While many churches are reporting a decline in the number of people serving, volunteerism in our country remains strong. The Corporation for National & Community Service has stated that 1 in 4 Americans (26.5%)…

  • 7 Tips For Recruiting Today’s Volunteer

    By in Recruit, Training, Volunteers on

    Need more volunteers? Try these seven suggestions when searching for people to serve in your ministry, from Thomas McKee’s book, The New Breed:  Understanding and Equipping the 21st Century Volunteer. •Ask personally rather than rely on announcements. Remember that you’re…

  • Turning Pew Sitters Into Heroes

    By in Recruit, Training, Volunteers on

    It’s pervasive. Most of the people in the pew have internalized the notion that ministry is the responsibility of the professionals on stage. The job of the pew sitter is . . . to sit. And watch others do the…