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How to Easily Attract Volunteers for an Amazing VBS

How to Easily Attract Volunteers for an Amazing VBS
March 13, 2015 Sharon Stratmoen
how to attract volunteers for vbs

Volunteers… make VBS go ‘round, don’t they? Volunteers are probably the single most valuable resource for your VBS. But how do you attract the best volunteers to work with your VBS ministry? The key to attracting volunteers is to first share the vision that you have for VBS at your church. By easily sharing this vision, people will be eager to volunteer. Here are 4 easy ways to cast your vision:

        1. Pray.
          Take a deep breath…and pray! Remember, God knows each person in your church and each child who will attend your VBS. So ask God to open the eyes, hearts, and minds of those who will be just the right fit for your program.
        2. Show them the theme.
          People want to be a part of something that looks fun and exciting! How will they know how exciting it is unless you show them? Set up a fun thematic display in a prominent location in your church. Post pictures on Facebook and other social media sites. Visually appeal to volunteers and kids of how cool your VBS is going to be and they won’t help but want to be a part of it.
        3. Show your enthusiasm!
          Rather than making a negative plea for help, “I know nobody really wants to help, but…” state your needs simply. You might say, “Our goal is to reach 100 children with God’s love at VBS. Right now we have enough volunteers to reach 50 kids. How can you help?” If you’ve done VBS in the past, record a video of few volunteers or kids telling what they liked best about it. Group’s Ultimate Director Go-To Recruiting & Training DVD includes brief “commercials” that will have everyone signing up to help with VBS.
        4. Communicate their role.
          Communicate clearly what’s expected of people when they do join your VBS team. Check out the photocopiable job descriptions in the director manual or you can use the FREE tools in VBS P.R.O. to email job descriptions and allow volunteers to apply for positions online. Your best volunteers will be those who serve in a capacity that uses their strengths. Your entire congregation can be a part of making your VBS awesome! Check out the way this church is enlisting the help of the older people in their congregation!

Keep your vision out in front of people at all times. Always keep in mind that the best way to recruit volunteers is by word of mouth. People want to be part of something that’s exciting and life-changing and the best way to build excitement is with excited people. Remind your volunteers to help you recruit. It’s an opportunity for them to work with their friends too!

Do you have some other volunteer recruiting ideas to share? Please let us know in the comments below!

Sharon is a 25+ year KidMin Veteran who is passionate about helping kids have a vibrant faith in Jesus and VBS is her favorite week of ministry! She serves on the KidMin Staff at Rockpoint Church in Lake Elmo, MN, and is the VBS Events & Developer at Group. Great coffee, dark chocolate and gardening are some of her favs.

1 Comment

  1. Rochelle Dorsey 10 years ago

    What a great article.

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