3 Questions To Ask Your Volunteers in 2015
A new year always gives us the hope of a fresh start. A blank slate. A new beginning. This year you have the opportunity to connect with each of your volunteers and ask them three questions that will impact their…
00New Life For The New Year
By Bob D'Ambrosio in Uncategorized onForget about making New Year’s resolutions this week…. the team at Church Volunteer Daily suggests you reflect that God promises us new life, every day— because we belong to Jesus! Ponder this verse as you ring in the New Year:…
Preparing For Christmas: What Difference Does It Make?
By Andee Marks in Lead onThe Christmas decorating is done, the gifts are purchased, the holiday menus planned and the grocery shopping completed. Seven pairs of pajamas are all sewn, ready and waiting for wiggling little bodies to don them (I carry on my grandmother’s…
Overcoming 4 Misconceptions About Equipping Ministry
By Chris Hardy in Lead onHave your staff or lay leaders ever voiced concerns about the equipping ministry culture you’re trying to develop at the church? If so, welcome to the ranks; if not, give it time! Here are honest answers to the top four…
3 Mistakes To Avoid If You Want Male Volunteers
Attracting and keeping Christlike men to serve the children and youth in your ministry is a significant challenge. Here are the three most common mistakes that leaders often make: 1. Using guilt to manipulate men to serve. Men want to…