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Children's Ministry Blog

  • Summer Sunshine for Your Soul

    By in Lead on

    Summer is here, but as the days are heating up, do you find your faith cooling off? It can be tempting to trade time with God for that pool party or barbecue! Don’t let your faith burn out just because…

  • Resolve Conflict With These 4 Skills

    By in Retain, Volunteers on

    Ministry can get messy—because people are messy. It’s not a question of if conflict will ever happen in your ministry teams, but how will you handle it when it happens. Conflict triggers many strong emotions which can lead to hurt…

  • How to Stop Playing the Numbers Game

    By in Lead on

    “Numbers. They’re the currency of ministry. The crowd has become the definition of ministry success.”—Thom Schultz How many people attended your last Bible study or event? And how did you feel about that number? Probably one of two ways: 1.…

  • 8 Pillars for Building Trust

    By in Lead on

    It’s the foundation for doing ministry. Trust is the critical component for healthy and effective ministry teams. “As trust within an organization increases, so do output, moral, productivity and loyalty,” reports business strategist David Horsager in his book, The Trust…

  • 4 Steps to Manage Ministry Risk

    By in Sunday School on

    The days of pretending bad things don’t happen at church—or the people our volunteersserve—have long since ended. How can you protect your church, your volunteers, and the people you serve? While you can’t completely eliminate all risk in your church…