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Children's Ministry Blog

  • 6 Solutions for Finding Summer Volunteers

    By in Recruit, Training, Volunteers on

    Looking for staffing solutions for the summer?  Here are some ideas to consider… 1.  Summer Interns  –  Local colleges and universities house competent summer interns so connect with faculty members or student services to publicize your summer needs. Offer a variety…

  • Four Keys to Closing the Back Door

    By in Lead on

    Is the back door to your church wide open?  Growing churches have discovered the keys to keeping people who come in the front door—from quickly going out the back. Thom Rainer, a church growth consultant, says there are four key…

  • What NOT to Do When You’re Desperate for Volunteers

    By in Recruit, Training, Volunteers on

    Building a volunteer team is a never-ending process, especially if your ministry is growing. When we’re desperate for help our natural tendency is to resort to desperate measures—but this will only make things worse. Here are four things not to…

  • Are You Leading Volunteers or Managing Them?

    By in Lead on

      Do you lead volunteers—or manage them?  Today’s volunteer doesn’t want to be managed….they want to be led. If leadership is not your gift area, we can help fill in the gaps. Group’s Volunteer Leadership Series is here to help…

  • Are You a Servant Leader?

    By in Lead on

      Are you a leader?  Are you a servant leader?  Jesus modeled servant leadership in a most unusual setting—a wedding.  In John 2:1-11, we read of the time Jesus attended a wedding feast where the host ran out of wine…