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Children's Ministry Blog

  • Are Your Volunteer Teams Thriving?

    By in Retain, Volunteers on

    We all want our volunteer teams to be healthy and thriving. In fact, many of you shared your ministry dreams with us and we know from your responses that you desire to see people serving in their gifts and growing closer…

  • Walking Together

    By in Lead on

    My biggest discovery at last week’s conference, Leading Today’s Volunteers, didn’t come from the outstanding workshops. It came from what was hanging on a clothesline… We started our time together with prayer. Everyone identified a prayer request and wrote it on a…

  • How do you spell team?

    By in Lead on

    How do you spell team? For one group attending my Team Building deeper-learning track at Group’s children’s ministry conference, KidMin, it was with full body language. Yes, when given the challenge to demonstrate a strong ministry team, they decided to…

  • What’s in a Name?

    By in Lead on

    It is a little odd when people call me by the wrong name. I have been called “Jerry” quite often, “Germy” by my elementary school classmates, and “Jer-boy” by my loving grandmother. Names are important and the use (or misuse)…

  • Help Your Team Overcome Obstacles

    By in Lead on

    Ever wonder why volunteers don’t seem to stick around? They may be feeling defeated and frustrated but not know what to do about it.  Here are some ideas to help you identify, face and ultimately overcome these obstacles!