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Children's Ministry Blog

  • Positive Feedback: What You Need To Know

    By in Lead on

    One staff member whom I love and respect dearly confronted me a month ago and said she felt like I didn’t like her. Her comment came way out of left field for me, and I thought she must be out of her…

  • Abuse Hits Home

    By in Sunday School on

    “A volunteer from the church was arrested today for sexual assault on a 14-year old girl.” It took me a minute to process my husband’s words. Unfortunately, a few minutes later I was reading the newspaper article about the incident…

  • How would this rule change your church?

    By in Lead on

    There is a principle I try to live by: When I add something to my life, I try to remove something else. Take my closet for example. Whenever I add a piece of clothing or a pair of shoes, I…

  • No Such Thing As Perfect

    By in Lead on

    There’s no such thing as perfect. Do you agree with this statement? Or did you bristle at the thought? Perhaps, as a leader who strives for perfection, you believe that it’s the definition of giving your best to/for God? If…

  • 5 false assumptions that keep people from serving

    By in Recruit, Training, Volunteers on

    "Ministry conversations can hold clues to false narratives about God that, with a little spiritual direction, can be gently revealed and corrected, creating space for spiritual awakening to a God full of grace and wonder." Andee Marks