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Children's Ministry Blog

  • 5 No-Fail Volunteer Affirmation Tips

    By in Retain, Volunteers on

    Make it a new procedure to begin or end each volunteer committee meeting with a volunteer affirmation time. These simple volunteer appreciation gift ideas can provide crucial affirmation for your team’s success, and your team members will remember what you…

  • Five Factors to Consider Before Your October Family Event

    By in Sunday School on

    I have attended, planned, or served at more than 20 harvest/Halloween events over the years! I’ve dressed up—or dressed my children as—ghosts, baseball players, star wars characters, ninjas, not to mention various Bible heroes over the years. There are a…

  • A Gift Your Volunteers Will Remember

    By in Retain, Volunteers on

    Have you ever been at a loss when trying to find the perfect gift? My eldest’s birthday was last week. While he is very helpful with his suggestions, I always like to come up with something original and special for…

  • Getting Started with a Social Media Plan

    By in Lead on

    We get questions on a regular basis about social media. Many leaders have dabbled with or launched a page only to feel they didn’t really accomplish anything. Often these people feel these endeavors are a waste of time. I happen…

  • Six Steps for Effective Discipleship

    By in Lead on

    When God brings volunteers into your ministry it is not just for the work they can do or the service they can provide. It is also for them to be trained in their callings and discipled in their relationship with…