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3 Reasons to Begin KidMin at the Lavender Springs Spa Pre-con

3 Reasons to Begin KidMin at the Lavender Springs Spa Pre-con
May 28, 2015 Amy Nappa

Thinking about a pre-conference session at Group’s KidMin Conference? Curious about what “Lavender Springs Spa” is all about? Well, let me tell you!

  1. It’s all about you. For this one day you don’t have to gather fifteen boxes of crayons and 4 bags of cotton balls, set up the media, recruit two more nursery workers, comfort a crying child, and give a stern (but loving) lecture to the two fifth-graders who decided to wallpaper the bathroom with toilet paper.

Instead, you’ll walk in the room, be greeted by friendly faces (one of them will be mine!), and you can sit down and be refreshed. You’ll get a chance to worship, discuss, reflect, and learn—in a setting that was created with you in mind. I’ll guide us through the day—and you don’t have to worry about any of the details.

  1. It’s all about God. Yes, the name of the day is “Lavender Springs Spa,” and while we will be relaxing, we’ll also be refilled with God’s love and grace. The entire day will be focused on the Psalms. I know for certain you’ll learn something you didn’t already know—there’s just so much to discover in these songs!

You’ll dig deep into the Bible, learning how the Psalms relate to your life today, reflecting on the truths God is speaking over you, and gaining wisdom and insights you can apply right away. You’ll hear affirming words and even receive a gift that will remind you of how treasured you are!

  1. It’s all about friendship. We’ve been doing these one-day “retreat” pre-cons for several years. Sometimes women come with friends, which gives them a great opportunity to grow closer and create new memories together.

But most women come alone. They don’t know anyone and bravely walk through the doors to spend the day with strangers. If you’re one of those women, trust me when I say that you will have a new friend within minutes. (I volunteer to be one of your new friends!) And think about this—if you do come to KidMin alone, wouldn’t it be great to make an awesome new friend on your first day?? Someone you could have lunch with the next day or sit with during another workshop or session?

So whether you come alone or with a group of friends—you’ll soon be singing, laughing, praying, talking, and learning—with women you’ll call friends.

Doesn’t that sounds like an awesome way to launch your time at KidMin? Let me know if you’re coming by commenting below!



Amy Nappa is an Executive Editor/Champion at Group Publishing and has been involved in ministry for over 30 years. She loves to hang out with friends, is on a first-name basis with all the baristas at the coffee shop near her house, and cheats at miniature golf.


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