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Ministry Fairs That Work

Ministry Fairs That Work
August 4, 2015 Bob D'Ambrosio

A one-day investment in a Ministry Fair can reap a harvest of volunteers for the entire year and gives you the opportunity to present ministry choices to people who may have no idea what ministries your church offers.

When planning a Ministry Fair, select a theme and decorate accordingly. Create as much excitement as possible with food, giveaways and even games for the kids. Have a table display for every ministry in your church or specific department.  Provide a list of the positions available, brief job descriptions, and a place to register to attend a ministry information meeting.

Here are some ideas to get you started…

Sports. Theme Scripture – 2 Timothy 4:7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race…” Have each ministry wear sports jerseys, team hats, referee attire, or any sports uniform. Serve hot dogs or popcorn. Set up a putting green, basketball toss, or other games and activities. Fair Theme:  Get in the Game. 

Fishing. Theme Scripture – Matt 4.19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” Decorate your fair with fishing items, such as tackle boxes, baskets, nets, or cabin décor. Wear fishing hats and flannel shirts. Have a “fishing” pond. Serve goldfish crackers or Swedish fish candy. Fair Theme: Catch and Release.

Safari. Theme scripture – Mark 16:15 “…Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” Collect stuffed animals (of the wild variety). Use animal print fabric to cover tables. Wear pith helmets and khakis. Fair Theme: Serving Safari. 

Red Carpet. Theme Scripture – Matthew 5:16 “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father…” Break out the formal wear for this event! Wear glam glasses, tiaras, and anything that sparkles. Serve popcorn. Hang movie posters or stars and use black and white for the tables. Fair Theme: Shine Like Stars. 

County Fair. Theme Scripture – Psalms 100:2 “Serve the LORD with gladness…” Think red and white checked tablecloths, cotton candy, clowns, maybe even a petting zoo. And don’t forget the food on a stick! Fair Theme:  County Fair Connection.




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