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VBS follow-up in 3 easy steps

VBS follow-up in 3 easy steps
July 20, 2016 Sharon Stratmoen

Planning for and getting kids to your VBS is a HUGE undertaking. And I’m sure we all share the same feeling when VBS is over—WE DID IT, WE SURVIVED! After a week of VBS, we’re ready to put VBS on the back burner until next summer. However, there is a golden opportunity waiting for you. For many churches, VBS is the largest outreach ministry in the course of the year. So what do you do to follow-up with the kids who attended your VBS?

Here’s a simple three-step strategy:

  • Be intentional—don’t just gather contact information, do something with it. Create a volunteer role just to manage follow up.
  • Be timely—send a follow up communication soon after your VBS. Invite those who don’t regularly attend your church back for weekend worship and children’s ministry classes. The Follow-Up Photo Frames are a fun way to include a picture of that child enjoying VBS, plus kids LOVE to get mail!
  • Be prayerful—pray for each new child who came to your VBS that God would stir in their hearts a desire to come learn more about Jesus.

Want more ideas on how to follow up with kids that attended VBS? Check out these Fantastic Fall event ideas!

Sharon is a 25+ year KidMin Veteran who is passionate about helping kids have a vibrant faith in Jesus and VBS is her favorite week of ministry! She serves on the KidMin Staff at Rockpoint Church in Lake Elmo, MN, and is the VBS Events & Developer at Group. Great coffee, dark chocolate and gardening are some of her favs.


  1. Jerry Rosamond, Our Savior Lutheran Church 7 years ago

    Hi Sharon,
    I’m the outreach director for our church. the ladies in charge of running our VBS did a fantastic job. we had 150 children attend VBS this year. i’m looking for ideas to share with the two ladies for followup for VBS children/families. We don’t have summer Sunday School. things are sort of less-than-alive in the summer other than worship on Sundays with people scattered on vacations/lake cabins, etc. I agree and like your idea to communicate by sending something to each child in the mail. We didn’t take pictures of each child so we can’t send them a picture of themselves. I like the idea of praying for each child and involving our church family in this.

    Our VBS was July 10-13 and we did Operation Arctic. it was powerful. I came each day. Now what? i spoke with some of the kids who had church connections. I’m sure all of them didn’t.

    What ideas do you (or others) have since we are a little bit “behind the eight ball” and trying to gear up for the fall? Besides inviting them to worship and Sunday school we plan to do a trunk or treat on Oct. 28. Perhaps they could be included/invited to participate in this event.

    Peace! Jerry

    • Author
      Sharon Stratmoen 7 years ago

      Jerry, inviting kids back for a fall event is right on! It’s all about multiple invitations and ways for people to connect. We invite our VBS families back for our fall and Christmas family events. We use to do Trunk or Treat at our church and now we have expanded it to a fall family event. We are using this event kit at our church:

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