4 Ways to Show Thanks-Living | Jim Wideman
Retain, Volunteers oninNot only should we practice thanksgiving, we should also practice thanks-living—–a way of life that makes giving thanks and saying…
3 Signs Your Church Finances Aren’t Safe
inReady for the holidays? If your church is like most, you’ll see your largest crowds from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Churches,…
How Do I know if I’m Getting Through to the Kids? | BE BOLD Teacher Tip
inAre they listening? Is anything sticking with them? Are you really making a difference? And if so, how can you…
How Rocky Railway VBS Sets Kids on the Right Track!
VBS oninChoosing the theme is the easy part. Every year our team gathers with children’s pastors, VBS leaders, and volunteers like…
25 YEARS AND COUNTING! | A Note from Joani Schultz
VBS oninVBS: What’s changed? What hasn’t? What a thrill to innovate Group’s VBS for 25 years! However. Innovation equates with failures,…
A GRAND PLAN | A Note from Joani Schultz
inMore than 130 million babies come into the world each year. A baby is born every eight seconds in the…
What If My Kids Don’t Like the Bible’s Answer? | BE BOLD Teacher Tip
inTeasing—for both kids and adults—can be a very toxic experience. Even when it seems “good natured,” playfully making fun of…
How to Engage Parents With Your BE BOLD Group
inIf you’ve got a heart for family ministry but struggle with how to get your preteens’ parents engaged with what…
Free Printable 2020 VBS Treat Bag Toppers!
Seasonal Events, VBS oninBuild excitement for your 2020 VBS with these easy an customizable Treat Bag Topper Downloads!
Group Publishing > Group Children's Ministry