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6 Signs It’s Time to Step Down

6 Signs It’s Time to Step Down
August 1, 2013 Bob D'Ambrosio

It’s not unusual to experience a summer slump in ministry excitement…but if you’re wondering whether you have the energy to start a new program year this fall—it could be time for a break.

These six signs may indicate you need to step down from your current ministry position:

1. You’ve lost your passion. If your alarm goes off  Sunday morning and you have no energy or enthusiasm for a day of serving, it may be that you’re thinking of your ministry as a job rather than a calling.

2. You’ve been pigeonholed into a narrow ministry focus. You’ve been labeled as the “specialist” in a particular area and it’s closed the door to other ministry options you’d like to explore.

3. The majority of your time is spent in areas outside your gifting. It’s OK if you’re spending 20% of your time working in ‘have to’ tasks— but not 80% of your time. The majority of your week should involve ministry projects that match your gifts, skills, and abilities.

4. You resist change. If you’re throwing a wet towel on new ideas and ministry visions because you fear it will create more work, you’re no longer effective in producing growth for the Kingdom.

5. Work stress is impacting your health. If your blood pressure is elevated, your weight has increased, and your energy is down, you may be experiencing the physical signs of work-related stress. Call your doctor and get a complete physical.When your job impacts your health—it’s time to move on.

6. Your relationship with God has plateaued. You’ve been serving on auto-pilot for so long that you no longer thirst for a fresh and vibrant relationship with Jesus.

If you see 3 or more of these signs in your life (or the life of another leader), it may be time for a new ministry position, a sabbatical, or to step down from ministry all together.

Regroup. Refresh. The door may be opening for a new direction in your life.


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