Six Core Values for Building a Team Culture
Lead, Volunteers oninMany churches desire a team approach to ministry, but few do something about it. It’s often easier said than done.…
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Why These Volunteer Essentials are…Essential!
Lead, Volunteers oninGreat volunteer teams consist of passionate people who have a focused vision, believe in their mission, and empower each other…
When a Rose Is Not a Rose
Lead, Volunteers onin“A rose is a rose is a rose,” according to novelist Gertrude Stein. But in the church, a rose could…
How to Determine Whether You Manage or Empower Your Volunteers
Lead, Volunteers oninDo you empower volunteers to serve in ministry? Or do you manage them? For many professionally trained leaders, the ministry…
5 Vital Ministries for 2017
Lead, Volunteers oninThe start of a new year provides the opportunity for ministry leaders to reflect and assess their focus and the…
How to Avoid a Grinch Attitude This Christmas
Lead, Volunteers oninFeeling a bit pressured this month? With just a few days left until Christmas, the roads aren’t the only place where rage…
4 Ways to Flip a Flop
Lead, Volunteers oninI’ll admit it. I’m a perfectionist. I don’t like to make mistakes. Over the years I’ve come to realize that…
3 Roles for Leading Today’s Volunteer
inDoes your church website have an online volunteer sign up process? Do you text your volunteers to stay in touch?…
3 Things Not to Tell Your Volunteers
inAfter 25 years of marriage….I’ve learned what my wife wants to hear me say—and not say. When she gets her hair…
How Leaders Influence Church Culture
inThe culture of an organization can almost always be traced back to the beliefs, motivations, and assumptions of the organization’s…