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How Leaders Influence Church Culture

How Leaders Influence Church Culture
July 5, 2016 Bob D'Ambrosio

The culture of an organization can almost always be traced back to the beliefs, motivations, and assumptions of the organization’s founders. David Abney, CEO of United Parcel Service, announced that their company has pledge to complete 20 million hours of global volunteerism and community service by the end of 2020. He says, “Volunteerism has always been an integral part of our company culture.”

Does the culture at your church promote every member in ministry? Do the people at your church come each week to sit and watch the performance—or be refueled to serve?

Throughout the life of the church, the culture is changed, either purposefully or accidentally, by each successive layer of leadership.

In an established church, the culture will only shift toward an equipping mindset if a large percentage of the church membership perceives that ministry involvement is God’s desire for every believer—not just something the paid professionals do. Often the leaders must buy into this biblical mandate first before they are willing to equip and release people for ministry.

Leaders must also paint a concrete picture of what the ultimate vision and next steps look like. You change culture by example. By sharing the stories and satisfaction from people who are involved in ministry you create excitement for being part of a thriving community.

This ongoing “embedding and transmitting” of an equipping culture is one of the most foundational and fundamental responsibilities of all church leaders—including the senior pastor, ministry directors, as well as key volunteers, decision makers, and influencers.

Culture changing starts with leadership. Are you leading the charge at your church?



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