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Will Your Volunteers Remember You?

Will Your Volunteers Remember You?
September 11, 2014 Bob D'Ambrosio

Ask anyone what they were doing on September 11, 2001…and they’ll know. We remember events, milestones, and people when they touch our lives with special significance.

Can we apply this principle to leadership?

We’re often tempted to gauge our success by measurable outcomes: productive meetings;  tasks completed; or the number of volunteers serving in a program. (You had how many volunteers at VBS?!).  But the real test of leadership success may be how well you’re remembered by those you lead.

Years from now your volunteers won’t recall the awesome agenda at today’s meeting but they will remember whether you took time to connect with them on a personal level. They will always remember how your life impacted theirs— for better or for worse.

Use this personal evaluation to see if you’re the kind of leader who will be remembered by those who serve with you.  For each statement below, determine if it applies to you “Always”, “Sometimes” or “Never”.

1.  I spend time with my volunteers in non-work related activities.

2.  I set aside time each week to pray for my volunteers.

3.  Volunteers approach me to enjoy personal conversations.

4.  Other people see me as kind in dealing with problems and disagreements.

5.  Most of my volunteers would say I’m patient.

6.  I’m flexible even when I’ve planned everything out.

7.  I maintain a balance between being fun and being serious.

8.  I respect the options of my volunteers even when they’re different from mine.

9.  I involve volunteers in planning events and activities.

10. I regularly express words of affirmation and appreciation to those who serve.

Scoring Give yourself 2 points for “Always”; 1 point for “Usually”; and 0 for “Never”.  Use this score to celebrate your magnetic qualities and to examine ways to improve the effectiveness of your leadership to volunteers.

  • 15-20                     Give yourself a standing ovation.
  • 10-14                     You’re on your way.  Keep looking for ideas to improve what you’re doing.
  • Below 9                 Time to move forward.  Continue to work on ways to be more relational.



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