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Children's Ministry Blog

  • 10 Step Guide to the Ultimate Polar Blast VBS Stage

    By in VBS on

    Summer will be here before you know it, and we want to make sure you’re prepared for the coolest weekend at Polar Blast VBS! That’s why we’ve shared this easy step-by-step guide to creating the perfect stage your kiddos are…

  • Diving Below the Shipwrecked Surface: Do Wrong

    By in VBS on

    Remember the old Family Circus cartoon, with the “ghost” named Not Me? He was responsible for all kinds of mischief! When mom found paint on the walls or a broken window, everyone pointed to Not Me. We’d all like to…

  • When It’s Time for a Volunteer to Retire

    By in Volunteers on

    I met Wally at a Colorado Eagles hockey game. He was the usher in my section, and I discovered he attends one of the local churches in town. Wally shared he’s been an usher at his church for 30 years. Thinking…

  • Diving Below the Shipwrecked Surface: Struggle

    By in VBS on

    Struggles are things that tie us up in emotional knots—things we battle internally. Think those carefree kids in your community don’t have struggles? Think again. Kids struggle with succeeding at school, choosing right from wrong, and understanding why parents fight…

  • Diving Below the Shipwrecked Surface: Worry

    By in VBS on

    As adults, it’s easy to wave off kids’ worries as small in comparison to the burdens we carry. After all, 8 year-olds don’t carry a mortgage and 10 year-olds aren’t responsible for providing for a family. So you might be…