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Children's Ministry Blog

  • Where Have All the Lifeguards Gone?

    By in Lead on

    Last month my family and I vacationed in San Diego and discovered that Sea World recently opened a water park called Aquatica.  It was exciting to be among the first to explore a new venue. While there I started to…

  • 6 Signs It’s Time to Step Down

    By in Lead on

    It’s not unusual to experience a summer slump in ministry excitement…but if you’re wondering whether you have the energy to start a new program year this fall—it could be time for a break. These six signs may indicate you need…

  • How to Create Digital Connections

    By in Lead on

    Have you noticed how many people are now using their smartphones to read the Bible in church? Well actually, to read their Bible, period! You can make it even easier for them, as well as giving them other important information,…

  • When To Track Ministry Connections

    By in Lead on

    All the Israelites twenty years old or more who were able to serve in Israel’s army were counted according to their families. The total number was 603,550. Numbers 1:45-46     We take time every three months at Granger Community Church,…

  • Plugging the Gaps of Ministry Connections

    By in Retain, Volunteers on

    One of the biggest challenges churches struggle with is people slipping through the cracks. They either don’t find their place to serve, or they’re in need of ministry themselves, but nobody engages them enough to find out. There’s a break…