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Graphic Design Hacks for Ministry

Graphic Design Hacks for Ministry
May 18, 2015 Rochelle Dorsey
Graphic Design Hacks for Ministry

Recently, Brandon Early, youth pastor at Valley Church in West Des Moines Iowa, gave a 15-minute Micro-Workshop on the Periscope app where he shared his graphic design secrets with us. Here’s how it went…

Brandon Early

Brandon Early


I am awful at graphic design. I am not original, I don’t know what colors work, and I have no idea what most of its features can do. I also do not steal stuff, designers work hard and deserve credit for their work. I own the full version of Photoshop, and I know how to use the major tools. I am not great at it, but people think I am a Photoshop wizard because of the work I deliver.

My secret? is a place where designers from across the globe sell their design templates. Ranging from brochure templates to flyers, you will find all your graphic design needs at this website at very reasonable prices.

For example, I bought this flyer template for $6.00.

graphicriver design

Here is how I customized it to fit our needs:


If you own Photoshop and know the basics, it’s very easy to customize the template how you want it. Some of you watching might be saying, “I don’t know how to use Photoshop.” Or “Man, I can’t afford Photoshop.” No problem. GraphicRiver will edit the content for you, and they only charge $20.

For those of you looking for more shortcuts and the rest of you who are thinking, “All of this has been out of my skill set,” here are a few links that should make you look like a pro—and you only have to download what you like. And it’s FREE.

These three sites are my favorite. If you like these and want to dig deeper check out this mega list:

Let’s chat

If you are a Children’s Ministry worker or volunteer, I would love to meet you in Chicago this September 22-24, 2017. I will be teaching a couple tech workshops at Group’s KidMin Conference.

  • 12 Tech Resources to Make YOU Look Like a Pro
  • Using Technology to Expand Your Impact In Ministry
  • Social Savvy: Partnering with Parents to Navigate the Social Media Landscape
  • Leveraging Technology to Communicate God’s Message


Thanks for sharing your secret ninja tricks with us, Brandon! See you in Chicago in September!

Social media enthusiast Rochelle loves working with people who are passionate about Jesus. She’s the mother of two very energetic little girls. A South Dakota native, she enjoys walleye fishing and the smell of fresh-cut alfalfa fields.


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