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What to keep from Expedition Norway!

What to keep from Expedition Norway!
July 1, 2016 Meghan Brown

Wondering how to take your church from the icy fjords of Norway to the rugged rainforest of Peru? Here are some things you can save to get a head start on Passport to Peru!

  1. FoamReuse the foam from your Expedition Norway set by using the large pieces from the dock to create the cliffs for Peru or the God Sightings Flower cart!
  2. Stone Wall CorobuffThe stonewall corobuff that was part of the Norwegian countryside can go far in your Incan Eats station area.
  3. Tissue Paper GrassUse tissue paper grass to add pops of texture and vibrant green color along the tops of the stone walls on your set and throughout your church-the crumplier the better!
  4. Big Blue Sky Wall HangingWe used Blue Sky Fabric in the hallways to provide a bright backdrop for the vibrantly colorful hanging poms.
  5. Rocks – The rocks that you placed around the fishing pier in Norway can be added to the Bible Expeditions room or on your set by your Large Fabric Backdrop featuring Machu Picchu.
  6. Boat & Fish Netting– Did you create a boat for your Expedition to Norway? Hold onto it as you’ll explore how some kids in Peru use boats as part of their main transportation!
  7. Water Fabric – Water fabric can be used to represent oasis’ that are found in the dessert of Peru. It’s also used during a moving experience in Bible Expeditions
  8. God Sight Lights – Add the God Sight Lights from Norway to the houses on your Passport to Peru set to create a warm glow.

What other items do you think you can transform for Passport to Peru? Let me know in the comments below!

VBS enthusiast Meghan Brown is passionate about all things VBS and sharing God’s love with kids. A native Texan and graduate of Duke University, she loves sports, books you can hold in your hand and spending countless hours pinning things on Pinterest that she’ll never actually do.


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