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Leadership Training At Your Church

Leadership Training At Your Church
January 26, 2016 CVDaily Editors

In their book Teams That Thrive: Five Disciplines of Collaborative Church Leadership, Ryan T. Hartwig and Warren Bird state that less that 20 percent of church team leaders have received special training in how to lead teams. Leadership training and development is often a process that goes ignored in most churches. Who’s got time to plan quality training that will empower people to lead effectively?

We do…

Group’s Equipping Institute has developed a proven training experience that will help you grow new leaders, create excitement, and connect people to ministry. You can bring this training to your church to equip your people with the tools, competencies, and necessary skills to lead effective ministry teams.

Becoming An Equipping Leader will help your staff and volunteers gain insight into the Ephesians 4 model of equipping leadership. They’ll discover six essential behaviors of leaders who help others live out God’s call for service. They’ll develop a plan for transforming their leadership style from “me” to “we.”

This training will help leaders:

•Understand their leadership style and how it impacts those they lead
•Manage multiple projects and facilitate action teams
•Develop a proven style of leadership coaching
•Implement systems needed to connect people to ministry
•Empower staff teams
•Sustain the momentum for equipping in their church and in their personal growth

You set the date and time. Invite as many people as you’d like to attend. There’s no limit to the number of people you can train—all for one low price. You’re even permitted to offer this event to your community and charge a registration fee to help fund your event. The Equipping Institute offers a turn-key opportunity to sponsor the content, trainers, and material at a regional location. 

Here’s what one ministry leader told us when we presented this course at his church:

“We’ll continue to reinforce the training we received and I’m excited about the potential to do something like this in the future! If has so far been the best leadership training we’ve received especially as it concerns the Christian leader.”  

-Pete Tkachuk, Bryte Baptist Church, West Sacramento, CA.

For a full course outline of workshops presented, click HERE.

Don’t put this off any longer. Invest in the people who are leading your church! For more information on how you can bring this training to your church, download the Host brochure.


[Editor’s Note:  Can’t bring this training to your church? Attend this course October 12-14, 2016 at Group Publishing.]


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