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Free Printable 2017 VBS Easter Bulletins

Free Printable 2017 VBS Easter Bulletins
February 25, 2017 Meghan Brown

2017 VBS Easter Bulletins now available!

For most churches, Easter is one of the highest attended services of the year. It’s a fantastic opportunity to share the Good News with families who might not be regular attendees. It’s also a chance to invite them back into your church for your vacation Bible school. Here’s a couple of ways to let people know about your upcoming event:

  1. Set up and decorate a table or booth in your front lobby with information about your VBS. Include an Imagination Station experience or game from the VBS program to make your booth even more engaging!
  2. Add VBS inserts to your bulletins. You can download one for each Group VBS program below.
  3. Follow up with an email to families with an invite to VBS.

Easter is a celebration of the new life we have because of Jesus. Share that joy with families this Easter season, and help families stay engaged with Jesus this summer by inviting them to VBS!

Maker Fun Factory Easter Bulletin


Passport to Peru Easter Bulletin


Rome Easter Bulletin


Camp Out Easter Bulletin




VBS enthusiast Meghan Brown is passionate about all things VBS and sharing God’s love with kids. A native Texan and graduate of Duke University, she loves sports, books you can hold in your hand and spending countless hours pinning things on Pinterest that she’ll never actually do.

1 Comment

  1. BethAnn Lee 8 years ago

    These are GREAT!!!

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