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The Ultimate VBS Planning Calendar

The Ultimate VBS Planning Calendar
May 18, 2016 Lindsey VanSparrentak

Whether this is your first or tenth time planning a VBS, it’s easy to fall behind on managing all the little (and not so little!) details that go into making a child’s experience incredible.

But don’t fret! You are not in this alone. We’re here to help.

In every one of our VBS Ultimate Director Go-To Guides is your key to success: The VBS Planning Calendar. As you look at this calendar, here are a few important things to remember:

  1. This isn’t a to-do list just for you. VBS shouldn’t be the culmination of one person’s efforts. It should be a team effort. Delegation is going to be a sanity-saver!
  2. Background check your volunteers. Hopefully this is a practice your church already has in place with your Sunday school volunteers, but don’t forget to run background checks on your volunteers. Safety of your children should be your #1 priority!
  3. Remember the “why.” When you get lost in the sea of VBS decisions and tasks, remember the “why.” Why does your church host VBS? Why do you put months of time and effort into a one week (or shorter) program? Because this matters. Children are going to start or deepen their relationship with Jesus.
  4. Remember the most important thing you can do to prepare for VBS is to pray. Ask God to prepare the hearts of church members, workers, and children who will attend your VBS. We even created VBS prayer cards for you to use!
  5. Get your church involved. Not everyone in your church will have the ability to take a week off in the summer to be a Crew Leader or Station Leader, but there are so many ways to help in the weeks leading up to VBS. Find creative ways to utilize church members’ talents and recruit as many people to help as possible. Not only do many hands make light work, but many hearts make the light shine.
Lindsey VanSparrentak is an avid enjoyer of the small things in life. When she isn’t binge watching Food Network collections on Netflix, she can be found working with children and teens in her community and trying to show God’s love to every person she meets!


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