Everest VBS Leader Manuals Now Available in Spanish
inHey VBS Groupies! One of our denominational VBS partners got our permission to translate the Everest VBS Leader Manuals into…
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CrossCulture VBS: Why Norway?
inCrossCulture VBS gives churches the opportunity to share the world with kids. Too often, the church focuses on the issue…
3 Reasons to Begin KidMin at the Lavender Springs Spa Pre-con
inThinking about a pre-conference session at Group’s KidMin Conference? Curious about what “Lavender Springs Spa” is all about? Well, let…
The VBS Buddies Are Coming Back in a Brand-New Mobile Game
inRemember Jacques the croc? How about a test tube named Fizz? Boomer the panda? Ace the flying fish? Salty the…
3 Reasons to Love Outback Rock VBS!
inIf you’ve been in children’s ministry even for a little while, you know that finding the right VBS program is…
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