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CrossCulture VBS: Why Norway?

CrossCulture VBS: Why Norway?
June 10, 2015 Jody Brolsma

CrossCulture VBS gives churches the opportunity to share the world with kids. Too often, the church focuses on the issue of poverty when we talk about the world, and many times we focus only on the physical needs of kids in impoverished countries. Jesus absolutely met people’s physical needs, which opened doors for him to share about and demonstrate God’s love. So…should we only focus on countries in which there are physical needs? What about spiritual needs? How are we preparing kids to identify and minister to people who are healthy and whole on the outside…but hurting on the inside?


Norway is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. On the surface, it looks as if people there have everything they need—beautiful countryside, breathtaking fjords, rich oil reserves, plentiful jobs, abundant health, technological progress…but spiritually, Norway is incredibly dark. Only 2% of the people attend church. While a large percentage are official members of the Church of Norway, actual church attendance is nearly non-existent. Increasing numbers of Norwegians are turning away from the God who created, blessed, and loves them dearly.


It’s easy to steer kids toward God when life is hard. But we need God all the time. God is good all the time. Our need for God and relationship with God are just as important when life is going well. Perhaps that’s why Jesus cautioned people so frequently about the dangers of wealth. When life is easy, we’re more likely to think we don’t need God.


At Expedition Norway VBS 2016, you’ll get to share the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of this unique culture with the kids in your community, while helping them discover God’s eternal love for the world. As a result, you’ll create confident, faith-filled kids who understand the power of Jesus’ love in a diverse world. You’ll give kids a heart—not just to meet the physical needs of others, but to pray for spiritual renewal, as well. Plus, they’ll have an amazing time trying out new games, songs, awesome experiences, and more, all inspired by the beautiful country of Norway!

Have you ever been to Norway? Let me know about your experience in the comment section below!

Jody Brolsma is the VBS Executive Editor/Champion at Group Publishing in Loveland, Colorado. She’ll be the first to tell you that it is truly the funnest job in the world! (That’s why she’s been doing it for more than 20 years.)

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Ware 9 years ago

    While I have not been to Norway (yet), my grandmother’s parents came over to America from Norway before she was born. She was instrumental in keeping our Norwegian heritage alive (via mostly Christmas traditions), as well as connecting us with our cousins who still live in Norway. We corresponded occasionally growing up, and now, thanks to FaceBook, we share our lives quite frequently! I am excited to share what I know about Norway with our community via Expedition Norway–and learn more!

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