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8 Items to Hoard Now for Decorating Your Next VBS

8 Items to Hoard Now for Decorating Your Next VBS
June 4, 2015 Meghan Brown
Items to Save from Everest VBS

VBS Directors, you have permission to hoard!

Right now you’re in the midst of your ascent to Everest…you’re climbing away and the last thing you’re thinking about is 2016 VBS. But before you completely block it out, here are some things you can save from your Everest trek that will save you some time (and money) when you start planning your Cave Quest.

  1. Rocks – A quick coat of paint will turn these from snow rocks into cave rocks.
  2. Mountains – The foam you used to create your epic mountain can be transformed into the interior of a cave.
  3. Tents – Did you know there are some caves large enough that they have huge campouts in them? Save your tents to create a fun little camping corner.
  4. Brown paper – That brown paper you used to create the mountain range or guide posts will come in handy again in your cave setting.
  5. Rope – Ropes are very useful in caves, especially when spelunking!
  6. Silver Peak Corobuff – Those silvery mountain peaks can be turned upside down and pinned into the ceiling for a cave-like atmosphere.
  7. Cotton – Spray the cotton batting brown and you’ve instantly created some great texture in your cave setting.
  8. Spruce Trees – We’ll be using spruce trees to create the entrance to the cave, and you can do the same!

What else would you save from Everest to use with Cave Quest? Let me know in the comment below!

VBS enthusiast Meghan Brown is passionate about all things VBS and sharing God’s love with kids. A native Texan and graduate of Duke University, she loves sports, books you can hold in your hand and spending countless hours pinning things on Pinterest that she’ll never actually do.


  1. Victoria 10 years ago

    Lanterns can be used again, fake fires, icicles repaint brown and you have stalactites to hang from the ceilings, all signs can be repainted to help direct traffic. Use your imagination and the world is your oyster!

    • Author
      Meghan Brown 10 years ago

      Love those ideas, Victoria! You are so right, with a little imagination you’ll be able to turn your mountain into a cave in no time 🙂 Keep those fun ideas coming and Happy VBSing!

  2. Janet 10 years ago

    The lightcicles will be perfect! And if you used helmets at Everest, they’ll come handy this time too.

    And I saw this idea somewhere – drape lots of crumpled brown paper around the doorposts and the surrounding walls…then hang those shimmering curtains (the one in the decorating video for Everest) and you’ve made yourself a cave entrance.

    And there was also an icy tunnel in Everest. Change the white cloth to brown ones and you’ve got yourself a cave tunnel!

    The night setting for KidVid can literally be done again.

    And the fake trees will make a great addition to the outside of the cave!

    • Author
      Meghan Brown 10 years ago

      Janet-super fun ideas, i like how you think! We’ll be releasing more ideas and pictures in the next couple of weeks and we might just have to borrow some of yours 🙂

  3. Lisa J 10 years ago

    We save and reuse EVERYTHING possible… for VBS, for family events and more. If we’d spent money purchasing or time creating, whenever possible (and practical) we save… swim flippers and wooden crosses come in handy WAY more often than I would have ever realized prior to becoming a children’s minister… !

    • Author
      Meghan Brown 10 years ago

      Lisa, so true! You never know what you are going to need as a children’s minister! Keep up the great work 🙂

  4. Robin 10 years ago

    Back backs, picks, even the “log poles” from the supply hut could be used at the cave entrance as supporting poles.

    • Author
      Meghan Brown 10 years ago

      Robin, those are all awesome ideas! I really like the idea of using the “log poles” as the cave supports, great thinking!

  5. Nina 10 years ago

    We are finishing up our last night of Everest VBS tonight. It’s been a hit in our community. We will be using our crew sign holders again next year, as well as the God sighting poles. I can’t wait to start preparing to transform our church into a cave!

    • Author
      Meghan Brown 10 years ago

      Nina, thanks for sharing! Great ideas on how to repurpose items from Everest and use them again at Cave Quest…keep up the creative thinking!

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