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8 things to bring out of the cave!

8 things to bring out of the cave!
June 29, 2016 Meghan Brown

We know that as a VBS director, you have to be a good steward of your resources. We also know that VBS Directors are brilliant at stretching their dollars as far as they can go, so we’ve come up with some ways that you can turn Cave Quest resources into Maker Fun Factory savings!


  1. Pool Noodles – Convert your pool noodle stalagmites into art easels, noodle-bots, and so much more!
  2. Carpet Tubes – If you used carpet tubes to secure your cave walls, you can turn those into sign holders, interactive sound machines, or even a tennis ball/marble run game!
  3. Cellophane – Cellophane stalagmites will go a long way at Maker Fun Factory. The cellophane can be used in Imagination Station, Bible Discovery, Preschool, and Sound Wave Sing & Play!
  4. Foam –Take the larger pieces of stalagmites and shape them into gears that can be used throughout the church.
  5. Rocks – I know, you’re sick of the rocks, but you can reshape those blocks of foam to create building blocks for fun, interactive decoration stations!
  6. Black Plastic/Starry Night Backdrop – Black Plastic and Starry Night backdrops can be used again in KidVid Cinema and on multiple days in Bible Discovery.
  7. Water Fabric – Keep the water fabric from Cave Quest for a moving object lesson during Bible Discovery.
  8. Lightcicles/Stalag-lights – Create some fun, dynamic decorations like lite-brights with your stalag-lights!

What are other creative ways you can transform Cave Quest into Maker Fun Factory? Let me know in the comment below!

VBS enthusiast Meghan Brown is passionate about all things VBS and sharing God’s love with kids. A native Texan and graduate of Duke University, she loves sports, books you can hold in your hand and spending countless hours pinning things on Pinterest that she’ll never actually do.


  1. Jenna 9 years ago

    My husband is excited to create giant tinker toys & erector sets with extra tubes & foam pieces.

    • Author
      Meghan Brown 9 years ago

      Jenna, that sounds super fun! You’ll have to send us pictures 🙂

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