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Cave Quest Decorating

Cave Quest Decorating
August 13, 2015 Meghan Brown
Cave Quest VBS Main Set

It’s never too early to start thinking about Cave Quest VBS 2016. Below, we have some new ideas and easy ways to transform your church into a colossal cave, without breaking the bank!

Cave Quest VBS Main Set

Make your kids feel like they’re really in a cave with the Cave Quest set, full of vibrant colors and fun textures!

Main Set Angle

The Cave Quest set is complete with the Cave Quest VBS sign that can be cut out on foam board and hung from the ceiling.

Bible Room

Create a Bible Times setting in no time with colorful rugs and painted cardboard stones that you can use year over year. Add a little greenery for fun color and texture!


Easily create your own stalactites with cellophane, brown kraft paper, and zipties!

Crew Sign

Designate your Cave Quest crew area with colorful Crew signs!


Great Stuff, Foam Board and paint go a long way to creating the outline of Bible Memory Buddy, Ray

Green Wall Goo

Create a fun cave setting in your KidVid Cinema Room with Great Stuff, a string of lights, and glow in the dark paint!

Hall Corner

Kids will feel like they’re walking through a cave when you crumple brown kraft paper and layer it against your hallway walls. Add fun color with oversized cave gems and stalactites


Create a cave-like setting in your Cave Quest hallways with brown kraft paper, crumpled together to create fun textures!

Imagination Station Corner

Decorate one corner of your Imagination Station with a cave where your talk-starter stalagmites can grow.

Imagination Station Entrance

Larger than life cave gems and fun signage lead the way to Imagination Station at Cave Quest VBS.

KidVid Cinema Entrance

Show kids the way to KidVid Cinema with colorful Cave Quest Station Signs.

KidVid Walls

Kids will be delighted when the lights go down for KidVid Cinema and they’re surrounded by glow in the dark stalagmites and stalactites


Show off the Cave Quest Bible Memory Buddies by gluing them to foam board and cutting them out…like Oliver the Owl!

Preschool Cave

Cave Quest preschoolers will love crawling through their very own cave..complete with lights inside to show them they way!


Twisted brown kraft paper is all you need to add tree roots to your underground Cave Quest setting.

Stair Grass

Tissue Paper grass lets kids know that they are moving from above ground into the cave!


Tissue Paper grass lets kids know that they are moving from above ground into the cave!

Table Decoration

Rolled cellophane and brown kraft paper make for a fun table decoration. Add some burlap and blinking lights for color and texture.

Table Decorations

Spread these table centerpieces all around for an easy way to continue the theme of caves.

Stay tuned for more great ways to make Cave Quest VBS your best yet!

If you haven’t pre-ordered your Cave Quest Starter kit, you can get free shipping with promo code VE16100. Hurry, offer ends soon. U.S. and Canada only.

Cave Quest Ultimate Starter Kit
Only $176.99
In Canada $194.99

VBS enthusiast Meghan Brown is passionate about all things VBS and sharing God’s love with kids. A native Texan and graduate of Duke University, she loves sports, books you can hold in your hand and spending countless hours pinning things on Pinterest that she’ll never actually do.


  1. Rita 9 years ago

    Thanks for the helpful ideas!! I’m so excited to have Cave Quest 2016 for our VBS!

    • Jo Quesenberry 9 years ago

      How do you mount the kraft Paper on the walls to create a cave wall?

      • Author
        Meghan Brown 9 years ago

        Hi Jo,

        We actually used carpet tubes spaced throughout the hallway that stretched from floor to ceiling and then we stapled the kraft paper into the carpet tubes. This helped provide stability and support while also creating the 3D effect of the wall. If you don’t have access to carpet tubes, you could use a board of wood or something along those lines. We also tucked the top of the kraft paper into the ceiling tiles and didn’t have any issues with it coming down or damaging the ceiling tiles. Hope that helps. If not, you can contact me directly at

        • Chris 9 years ago

          How did you secure the carpet tube to the wall to be sure they didn’t fall over? This looks so awesome!

          • Author
            Meghan Brown 9 years ago

            Hi Chris, we used gaffers tape to secure it the wall, but I would be sure to test that first to make sure it doesn’t pull anything off the wall at the end of the week…or check with your facilities crew to see what they are comfortable with!

  2. Shayna 9 years ago

    I have a question about the foam board that you all used for the main stage. What thickness board did you all use. I didn’t want to buy any too thin. thank you.

    • Author
      Meghan Brown 9 years ago

      Hi Shayna, we used 2″ foam, but if you have difficulty finding that, but if you can only find thinner foam you could use Great Stuff to glue the large sheets together. Or add planks of wood for added support.

      • Shayna 9 years ago

        thank you so much.

        • Debbie Ford 9 years ago

          Where did you get the 2″ foam board?

          • Author
            Meghan Brown 9 years ago

            Hi Debbie, we get ours at our local Home Depot, so I would check with your local hardware store. I have heard in some southern locations you might have to have them special order it in because it’s not a necessity for homebuilding like it can be in colder areas.

  3. Jean 9 years ago

    What type of marker or paint do we use on the outdoor banner to write our church information? Thanks!

    • Author
      Meghan Brown 9 years ago

      Hi Jean, you can use a permanent marker on the outdoor banner!

  4. Katie 9 years ago

    Are there more detailed instructions on how to create the main stage look?

    • Author
      Meghan Brown 9 years ago

      Hi Katie, you can find additional instructions on under the Cave Quest Decorating Tab. There is a downloadable pdf with instructions!

  5. Jennifer 9 years ago

    For the hallways, where do you get brown kraft paper at?

    • Author
      Meghan Brown 9 years ago

      Hi Jennifer, you can find the bulk rolls of kraft paper at some crafting stores, you can also look online at ULine or Amazon.

  6. Julie Hance 9 years ago

    We are trying to find the 4x8x2″ sheets of foam board that were used for the cave setting. We can’t seem to find what they are using. Do you know where this was purchased?

    • Author
      Meghan Brown 9 years ago

      Hi Julie, we got our foam sheets at Home Depot. I would contact your local hardware store. In some areas they have to special order the foam board in because it’s not a common need in that area (for home insulation, etc).

  7. Megan Bell 9 years ago

    Do you know what kind of Great Stuff was used, the size of the cans, how many cans? I have no point of reference for how far one can will get me. Thanks!

    • Author
      Meghan Brown 9 years ago

      Hi Megan, I wanted to make sure I had the right information before responding. So we use the original Great Stuff for gaps and cracks. For Cave Quest we used about 12 cans, but that’s because we also used it to add dimension to the stalagmites, not just to stick foam together, and that part is entirely optional. The stalagmites will still look awesome without it 🙂 Also, our resident Great Stuff expert said to keep in mind that a little goes a long way, so start with small amounts and then add as needed.

  8. Kim Davis 9 years ago

    How did you create the Discovery room cave wall with the overhang?

    • Author
      Meghan Brown 9 years ago

      Hi Kim, we actually tucked the brown paper into the ceiling tiles to create that overhang effect. Happy VBSing!

  9. Anita Young 8 years ago

    It doesn’t look like the Cave Quest decor pdf is available anymore from the main site. Can you send me a link?

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