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Challenge: How to Keep Kids Coming Back After VBS

Challenge: How to Keep Kids Coming Back After VBS
May 4, 2015 Keith Kemerer
VBS follow up

Churches typically see about twice as many kids participating in their VBS as their regular weekend programs. This represents a great opportunity to grow your ministry by inviting kids to Sunday school, Children’s Church, or whatever weekend activities your church offers.

Don’t miss these obvious, but often overlooked, steps to make sure they come back:

  1. Personally invite them. Encourage your VBS volunteers to make an effort to personally invite kids to come back for weekend services. Show photos of kids in your ministry interacting, learning, and having fun.
  2. Mail them an invitation. Give each crew leader pre-stamped and addressed postcards for each crew member on the last day. All they have to do is write a brief note of encouragement and drop it in the mail. Kids love getting something personal in the mail!
  3. Plan your curriculum. Make sure to select a curriculum that encourages active learning and teaches Biblical truth through multiple learning styles. Check out this video on Group’s R.E.A.L. approach to learning.
  4. Set the stage for your next event. Always make sure to set the stage for the next major kid-themed event coming up on your church calendar. This might be your fall quarter kick-off or a Fall Festival. Group’s new Kingdom Fest program offers a medieval-themed family event that helps kids remember that Jesus is always with us.
  5. Pray! Ask the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts and situations of the kids who attend your VBS program.

This article from Children’s Ministry Magazine offers up more creative ideas to flesh out your VBS follow-up strategy.

What ideas do you have to turn your VBS visitors into actively engaged members of your children’s ministry? Share your wisdom with other ministry leaders in the comment section below!

Keith Kemerer is a follower of Christ who spends his free time with his wife and four homeschooling daughters—you might recognize the girls from various Group videos and photo shoots. As a geek dad, his favorite holidays include “Star Wars Day” (May the 4th Be With You) and “International Talk Like a Pirate Day.”


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