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3 Useful Tips to Easily Captivate VBS Parents

3 Useful Tips to Easily Captivate VBS Parents
May 29, 2015 Melissa Towers
3 Ways to Easily Captivate VBS Parents

VBS is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, outreach activities your church does every year. The parents come, they drop off their kids, and they leave. Some of these parents are regular attendees, some come now and then, and for some—this is the first time they’ve stepped into your church.

No matter how involved those parents are or aren’t, use this opportunity to minister and reach out to them. Here’s how…

  1. Give parents a boost. Invite them to stay for your VBS opening, or invite them to return and participate in the closing. I’m a parent, and it’s an amazing experience to watch my kids as they’re on fire for Jesus! It energizes me and makes me feel alive.
  1. Send parents off with encouragement. Put together a short devotional that encourages parents. Need ideas for this? Check out the Lifetree Family newsletter. It provides awesome encouragement and tips for parents of elementary kids.
  1. Invite parents to sign up for your moms’ group or adult studies. Here are just a few of the resources that can help them develop a relationship with each other and with God:
  • Get moms together for a one- to two-hour event using Mom Squad mini-event kit. This event helps moms connect with each other and realize the unique gifts God has given them as they’re being refilled and refreshed. The kit also includes a How to Start a Moms’ Ministry booklet!
  • Start a moms’ program, or add to the one you already have. Where Moms Connect is a moms’ ministry resource that encourages moms through their journey of motherhood. Plus, it’s for moms with kids of all ages! That means moms with babies, moms with teenagers, and grandmas!
  • For your adult programming, check out the Lifetree Small Group Series and Fearless Conversation Bible studies. Both these resources are designed to help adults grow in their relationships with each other as they never have before. They invite authenticity and vulnerability in ways that help adults see God at work in their lives and the lives of others.
  • The Lifetree Small Group Series is a video-based resource that offers real-life, compelling stories about topics adults want to talk more about, such as facing fears, the Bible, forgiveness, overcoming hardships, and more.
  • Fearless Conversation is a Bible study series that helps adults tackle tough questions about God and faith. It helps groups create a safe place where they can engage in thoughtful conversation and dig into the Bible as the source of truth.

I love what you’re doing for the kids in your ministry and your neighborhood through VBS! Both my kids made the decision to give their lives to God as a result of VBS. You’re a part of something so big. Hang in there! You’re doing a great job. God loves you, and he’s smiling down on you right now. You. Are. Amazing! What are you doing to engage parents during VBS? Let me know in the comments below!


Melissa is passionate about helping kids learn about Jesus—including her own two children and adorable 2nd and 3rd grade Sunday school class. She’s a self-confessed reality TV junkie, loves to bake and share her yummy homemade cupcakes, and dreams about being someone who can drop everything and travel on a moment’s notice.


  1. Laura 10 years ago

    Last year we had a parents night at the end of VBS where we took them to a room away from the kids, fed them dinner, talked about what their children learned in VBS that week, and several people shared why a church family is important to them. We also had a printout of key Bible passages from the VBS week along with key gospel passages. It was twelve full typed pages of scripture that we sent them home with along with a gift certificate to the coffee shop in town so that they could read God’s word at their leisure while enjoying a coffee treat on us.

    • Author
      Melissa Towers 10 years ago

      Laura – I love this idea! Parents really need support and ideas for how to help their kids grow their faith at home. I love that you sent them home with something they could use to continue talking to their kids about what they learned at VBS. It’s also great that you sent them with typed scripture as some families that come to VBS may not even have a Bible. Keep up the awesome work for God’s kingdom!

  2. Becky 10 years ago

    We use Group’s Holy Land Adventure series VBS which is designed to be inter-generational. Our families – grandparents, parents, kids, toddlers, babies – can all participate throughout the VBS together and share in the experience. We have several adults without children and empty-nesters and younger unmarried adults and teens that volunteer, so that families with younger children can participate with the kids. It is really neat and nothing else like it!!

    • Author
      Melissa Towers 10 years ago

      That’s great Becky! My church takes about 4 months out of the year where the hour before worship is family worship time (in other words – Sunday school for families). I loved being able to learn about God together with my children! The age differences of my kids posed a bit of a challenge–but it was still an awesome experience to be able to learn together!

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